>> Arduino Communicator >> Idea & Download


The Arduino Communicator Project Idea

An Arduino board is an incredibly versatile tool with endless possibilities. It can be used for building robots, creating measurement devices, automating greenhouses, and much more. Throughout my scientific career as a physical chemist, Arduinos have been my trusted companions. I have utilized them to construct experimental setups, controlling motor rotations, opening and closing shutters, generating electric fields, and more. Time has always played a crucial role in these experiments. However, there's one challenge: Arduino code begins running as soon as it receives power. To gain more control over its behavior, I developed computer software that communicates with the Arduino, instructing it on what to do and when to do it. After using this software successfully in our labs, my colleagues encouraged me to publish it, so that other research groups could benefit from it as well. Naturally, I took the time to clean up the code, and now we're ready to share it. In the following sections, I will guide you through the installation and usage of this software. It is an open-source project, allowing for modifications and customization. For more detailed instructions on customization, please refer to the Developer section in the menu. Enjoy exploring the possibilities and unlocking greater control with this software!


The software runs under Windows, Linux (not yet tested) and MacOS (not yet tested) with the Microsoft .NET Framework 6. It can soon be downloaded on this page.

René Riedel, 8th July 2023.